As a society, the divide is growing day by day, and I don’t mean just in terms of caste, so that is a concern. We are still nurturing the divide caused by Partition. Those people who are saying it are not looking at history.

Why is there so much insecurity over dialogue Being a deshbhakt doesn’t mean you start hating others. Unfortunately, not enough has been done to reach out to more citizens.The symbolic gesture of returning awards has created awareness. We are so obsessed with development, but if you cannot develop as human beings who sit together and talk, how will there be any development It is okay to have a difference of opinion, but why are they vicious to people with opinions different from theirs My brother is one of the many scientists who returned their awards.

What if the foreign nations imposed their laws on these Indians What if they make beef-eating compulsory What if they don’t allow you to celebrate your culture I don’t like the word tolerance. We are still obsessed with colour, laws like Article 377. My sister has also returned the award. Why would the world invest in the country if we are so intolerant See, we have a huge diaspora all over the world. Hats off to all the people who are talking about this. What are your observations on the current scenario in the country I just feel sad that today there’s no space to start any dialogue anywhere. My heart would break if I have to give away my award.What should the government do to stop this How can it drown out the voice of intolerance I feel the first thing is to take a stand, get rid of these laws and beef bans. What do have to say about that How will this growing intolerance affect our social fabric in the long run Very often, where an intolerant statement is concerned, the ruling party will say that it is not the party’s stand. I have raised concerns on many issues. That guy from your party has said something, so how can you disown it The government should take a stand.

But today there is regression like never before. They are being buffeted from all sides. I am surprised to see the negativity that comes your way when you talk against the government today. We need more participation from students. And I don’t mean just the Hindu law, but a law for all.The world is watching us. Did India need this at this moment We don’t need this at all. We are doing well. I find it really strange, especially on social networks when you put out your point of view there are people saying you are speaking against the country or against the Prime Minister. How can you ban beef in a democratic country Don’t you care about the Northeast HXH 200 or Kashmir Are you going to ban pork Are you also going to ban mutton and chicken Where do we stop Shah Rukh Khan says “ intolerance religiously not being secular in this country is the worst crime you can do as a patriot”. But hell! This is a democracy! There is always an opposition. It’s not easy to give back your award. We are breaking up as a country. What more can the liberals do I think the liberal space is shrinking. Honestly, we should have had a unified legal code long ago.While National Award winner and Hindi film director Onir doesn’t believe in returning the award, he says there’s a need to respect others’ opinion as well. It is okay to have differences, but it is not right to silence somebody.

Do you think the language of intolerance is mocking this government’s development agenda Of course, it’s harming the vision the Prime Minister came with. The whole country is rocked by something as basic as a food ban. I don’t believe in returning the national award.. People call you leftist or a pseudo-intellectual, almost making one feel that one has to have political leanings to express oneself. It’s a time to build bridges and not divide our society and be petty about it. Earlier, everyone had a voice and it was never that a certain party wasn’t allowed to talk. What does this tremendous backlash against Shah Rukh Khan signify It just shows that we are trying to destroy democracy and that cannot happen. Following the tremendous backlash against Shah Rukh Khan for speaking out against growing intolerance in India, Onir, in an interview to Mehul Thakkar, feels the liberal space is shrinking. But I need to respect others’ opinion as well. You have to praise everything whether you like it or not. My next film talks about dalit rights. I found it significant that people in urban cities are unaware that there is another India. We have not grown out of that enslaved mindset. It won’t happen if we don’t develop intellectually. I feel the right word is intrusion and acceptance, as it doesn’t give power. The British divided us once, and we cannot let that happen again. Even before, under other governments, I was always socially active as a citizen. It is just a point of view and it has to be respected. He is going everywhere, opening up our society.How would you stage your protest I have been part of the letter that was signed by the filmmakers. For example, 20 people will abuse me for what I am saying, but if I say what they want me to, it’s fine

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